Tax Deductions (Business Tax Deduction Tips)

Real estate depreciation offers substantial opportunity for increasing tax deductions. Most depreciation schedules are established by simply separating land and long-life improvements. This simple approach is lawful but sharply understates lawful depreciation. About 20-40% of improvements for most properties are short-life items. Short life items can be depreciated over 5, 7, or 15 years. There are about 130 short-life items that have been determined by legislation, tax court decisions and IRS rulings.

Real estate depreciation can typically be increased by 50-100% for the first 5-7 years of ownership by obtaining a cost segregation study. A cost segregation study precisely values up to 130 components of real estate that can be valued as short-life property.

By obtaining a cost segregation study, it is possible to obtain a windfall of tax deductions by “catching-up” previously under-reported depreciation. This one-time “catch-up” can occur in the first tax return filed after the cost segregation study is performed without filing any amended tax returns.

Reviewing fixed asset listings (of business personal property) can generate a meaningful amount of tax deductions. They often include items that should have been expensed, which have been sold or thrown away or which have an excessive depreciation life. Items that should have been expensed include operating expenses (sometimes included by error) and maintenance or repairs (which was necessary but did not increase the life of the assets or component.) Section 179 allows business to use up to $108,000 of 2006 capital expenditures as tax deductions. Confirm you are not capitalizing assets that could be claimed as a tax deduction.

Casualty losses also offer opportunity for tax deductions. For a casualty loss, you can deduct: 1) the market value immediately before the casualty less 2) the market value immediately after the casualty less the amount covered by insurance. The portion that is not intuitive is: the market value after the casualty is much less than the value before plus the cost to renovate. Other factors which can and should be considered for tax deductions are: lost rent/usage, stigma (in some cases), construction management, construction risks, and entrepreneurial effort.

Bad debts are a subjective matter. Judgment is required to accurately estimate the amount that should be claimed as a tax deduction. If bad debts have not been examined carefully for several years, they may offer a meaningful tax deduction opportunity. (This applies to companies who utilize accrual accounting. Companies who use cash accounting can’t claim a tax deduction for bad debt since they never recognized the revenue.)

Do well by doing good. You reduce taxes in several ways when making charitable contributions. For example, you purchased land 10 years ago for $200,000, and it is now worth $1,000,000. However, you now realize you will never use the land for the intended purpose. You can donate the land to a qualified charitable organization and take a tax deduction for $1,000,000. However, you do not have to pay capital gains taxes on the appreciation.

Tax deductions sometimes seem arcane and complicated. However, a knowledgeable team of advisors from several fields can reduce your federal income taxes. The complexity of the tax code makes it difficult for any one personal to be knowledgeable in all areas.

Cost segregation produces tax deductions and reduces federal income taxes across the country and in every size market. Below are just a few examples of cities where cost segregation generates meaningful tax deductions.


  • New York, NY
  • Houston, TX
  • Hartford, CT
  • Las Vegas, NV
  • Memphis, TN
  • Philadelphia, PA
  • Orlando, FL
  • Phoenix, AZ
  • Atlanta, GA
  • Bridgeport, CT
  • Worcester, MA
  • Akron, OH
  • Harrisburg, PA
  • Salt Lake City, UT
  • St. Louis, MO
  • Portland, OR
  • Scranton, PA
  • Greenville, SC
  • Bakersfield, CA
  • Madison, WI
  • Chicago, IL
  • Fresno, CA
  • Riverside, CA
  • Albany, NY
  • Indianapolis, IN
  • Birmingham, AL
  • Ft. Lauderdale, FL
  • Baton Rouge, LA
  • Augusta, GA
  • Honolulu, HI

Cost segregation produces tax deductions for virtually all property types, including the following:

Property Type:

  • Medical facility
  • Shopping mall
  • Restaurant
  • Country club
  • Fast food restaurant
  • Power center
  • Hotel
  • Car wash facility
  • Convenience store
  • Health spa

Almost every industry, including the following, can generate cost-efficient tax deductions by using cost segregation.


  • Golf courses and country clubs
  • Transportation equipment manufacturing
  • Electrical component manufacturing
  • Real estate lesser
  • Apparel manufacturing
  • Wood product manufacturing
  • Plastic and rubber products manufacturing
  • Furniture stores
  • Beverage and tobacco product manufacturing
  • Building supply dealers

Tax reduction services include federal income taxes, state income taxes and property taxes. We do not prepare income tax returns. Instead, our advisors review your circumstances and suggest cost effective options to lawfully reduce your income tax liability. 5. O’Connor & Associates is a national provider of commercial real estate consulting services including cost segregation studies, tax reduction, feasibility studies, tax return review, apartment inspections . O’connor associates services includes business valuation tax deduction, due diligence, income tax, tax reduction, property tax, feasibility studies, real estate consulting, market research, Denton Central Appraisal District, Tips and Tricks for Appealing Your Property Taxes in Collin, Collin county appraisal, Federal tax reduction

Real Estate Property Development Maximising Your Return

Land DevelopmentLand development is one of the most exciting types of real estate. However, it can also be an area that will teach you some quick and painful lessons if you jump in without knowing what you are doing.By taking some land that isn’t yet fit for building and taking it through the approval process, you can dramatically increase its value.Remember that it also makes sense to start small and work your way up with land development. Starting off small allows you to get comfortable with the land development process and before going out to raise millions of dollars.The simple ingredient that allows someone to make it big in commercial real estate is simply desire, because in the end it really boils down to how bad you want it.If you have a strong enough desire, you will find a way. You need to be familiar with the tools, techniques and guidance that help you along the way. A lot of investors don’t have a real estate license, and they often wonder if not having a license poses a problem.But not having a license will not hinder you.Investing in commercial real estate requires a handful of skills. You don’t need to understand complicated equations but some of the following skills are a must.A few skills that you should have1. Meeting people and making new friends:
Are you able to talk and connect with people easily? Do you like meeting new friends and finding out more about how they view the world? If so, you will do well at creating a stash of contacts. It is important to network with the people who will be investing in your commercial real estate deals because they hold the ‘pot of gold’. People that you meet will eventually be your advisors, investors and partners and they will send deals to you and connect you with wealth-building resources.2. Doing simple maths.
Can you look at a fax and properly enter some numbers into a simple spreadsheet? Can you use a calculator? These skills will help you determine what a commercial property is worth, what you should pay for it and what your payday will be.3. Accounting and Collecting
If you going to be in business then you need to be comfortable asking other people to pay you the money that they owe you.Real Estate, like the rest of life, does have risks. If it didn’t it probably wouldn’t be as muck fun. And it surely wouldn’t pay off with the incredibly strong rates of return that it does. Land development is a way to take a small amount of money and turn it into a fortune. If you can see the vision, stay the course, and make friends with plenty of city planners and other governmental types, you can have a new and prosperous career in land development.Land developments can a great thing, but it can also be quite challenging at times.

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Today the inevitable wind of change in technology has taken over since computers and progress are attached to each other. With the dawn of information and technology, which has produced computerization, computer science has taken adequate significance. As a subject of truth, a preponderance of people around the globe is receiving computer science education.

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