There are a lot of choices out there when it comes to car insurance. Whether you are looking for a new policy or you are looking to completely switch companies, it is important to know all about the companies that you will be looking at. This article will take a look at some of the companies that provide you with coverage. By understanding the company you will be able to find a policy that best suits your needs.As they say in their slogan, Nationwide is on your side. Founded over 80 years ago, Nationwide grew from a small company to one of the largest insurance and financial services.S Farm insurance was founded in 1922 by G.J. Mecherle. He thought that it was unfair that the local farmers had to pay the same rates as people that were living in Chicago. Today, S Farm serves over 80 million policies in the United States and Canada. Since S Farm was formed as a mutual company, it is not publicly traded and there are no stockholders that must be considered in decisions.Allstate insurance was founded in 1931 along with Sears, Roebuck and Co. Allstate is currently the second largest insurer behind S Farm. They currently sponsor many sporting events, including the Allstate Sugar Bowl and is part of the United States Olympic Committee.Progressive began their company by wanting to be innovators in their company. They were the first insurance company to allow their customers to pay for their premiums in installments instead in one annual payment. They were also the first to offer drive in claim services to their customers. Joseph Lewis and Jack Green were two lawyers starting out in 1937 that thought that Progressive would be a great investment.In 1936 Geico was formed by Leo Godwin and his life in order to provide auto insurance directly to federal government employees and their families. His idea branched off of USAA which he had worked for at the time. Geico generally deals with consumers through the internet and over the phone. They believe that it frees up money for them by not having insurance agents in the field.Those these are not all of the insurance companies that are available to consumers these are some companies that will get you started. If any of these companies sound like they would be the type of company that you want to represent you, you can research their car insurance quotes and find the best rates for you.
What Are The Special Mortgage Challenges for Self Employed Borrowers?
BasicsMortgage lenders classify borrowers in two different ways:
wage earners
Wage earners are much easier to analyze for a mortgage lender. They usually can provide paystubs, employment documentation, and tax returns. Their income stream is easier for a mortgage lender to understand.A self-employed borrower is often much more difficult to understand for a mortgage lender. Challenges may include:
stability of earnings
track record in business
complex tax records
unclear assets
Stability Of EarningsThe first issue is stability of earnings. A self-employed borrower may not have constant income. Earnings will often fluctuate depending on how their business is going.Track Record In BusinessLenders usually like to see a self-employed borrower have at least a 2 years track record in their business. This usually shows the lender that the person is capable of generating income in their new self-employed work. They usually also like to see someone who is self-employed in their line of work. If you have years of experience as a carpenter but open up a coffee shop this is a major switch and a mortgage lender will have to analyze this.Complex Tax RecordsSelf-employed borrowers often have complicated tax returns. This is partly the result of a complex tax code and partly because most self-employed borrowers are thorough in using all available tax deductions.Unclear AssetsThe final issue is unclear assets. Borrower assets may be intermingled in business accounts with other business partners. Deposits in a business bank account may represent revenue but not necessarily the final income or net profit a business generates.Additional StepsMake sure that when you apply for a mortgage you clearly state that you are self-employed up front. The self-employed usually have nearly all the same loan options as wage earners.You may need to prepare your documentation in advance – such as making copies of business licenses, permits, and financial records.
How To Start Marketing Your Business
To new business owners, starting a business is often its own reward. They are thrilled to be able to be their own bosses, and to successfully get a business up and running. Often they are happy just to keep the dream alive.But every business needs to grow. That doesn’t mean you have to reach out to a larger market – it means working toward increasing your share of the one you are targeting. This will keep your business healthy enough to survive obstacles such as tough economic times.In order to keep moving forward, we need to market our businesses constantly. We need to dedicate a certain percentage of our resources to building our brand and reaching our target market. Here are some simple things you can do to help your business grow.Have a clear picture of your target market. Find out what types of people use the products and services you provide and respond to your business philosophies. If you’re not marketing to the right people, all will be lost.Research, research, research. Determine how to best reach your target market and what they expect out of your offerings. Study your competition carefully, and make note of what they’re doing right and wrong.Choose your marketing channels wisely.If your target market rarely reads, there’s no point in advertising in a magazine. Use what you’ve learned about them to find the best possible outlets for your message, and focus your marketing efforts there.Give your advertising a chance. Studies show that consumers require repeated exposure to a product before they will even consider buying. So don’t be surprised if one ad run doesn’t bring spectacular results. If you’ve done your homework and found a viable way to reach your market, run the ad at least two more times before you evaluate the results.Take advantage of free publicity. Sending out press releases and finding other ways to attract the media will give you high-quality exposure, and it won’t eat into your budget.Keep track of the effectiveness of your marketing efforts. If what you’re doing is working, you should be generating more revenue. Use some of that revenue to do more marketing. If it isn’t working, make adjustments and try again.Sometimes you’ll have to take a step back with your marketing plans. But that’s not a sign you’ve failed. It’s a sign that you’re a smart marketer. Sometimes the market changes, and it’s up to us to monitor those changes and adjust our marketing plans accordingly. No successful company markets the same way forever. By evolving with our target market, we can make our marketing work better.