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Network Marketing Tips to Solve The Real Problems

There are tons of struggling network marketers out there that don’t make a dime and blame everyone around them for the failure of their business. I mean, they were PROMISED that they would be rich beyond belief within a year, right? So what is the real problem with network marketing??? Here are 3 network marketing tips to help solve the 3 real problems within the industry.

Problem 1

When someone starts up with a company they are generally very excited to share their opportunity with every single person they know. This is what traditional network marketing teaches you to do; go out and talk to all of your friends and family. The eager people do this. The problem is they tend to do this BEFORE they are trained on what to do and say and then they fail miserably. The network marketing tip is to being a good leader is making sure that any new team member is trained properly with important information about the company; a few things that they can say to invite people to look at the opportunity and who they can call to close the deal. By throwing a person who has never been in this type of industry to the wolves, to fend for themselves, is a sure sign for disaster.

Problem 2

There is a lot that can be said about a person’s commitment to their own success. Most people are told that if they “get 3 to get 3 they will be rich”. I personally cringe when I hear leaders say things like this to new prospects. A good leader will not fill someone with false hope but give them the harsh reality that this is a business and needs to be treated like one. When you are looking at a business, no matter what you need to look at the future. In network marketing it is about getting people to buy your product and also become independent representatives. When it comes to personal success, most people do not know what it takes to become successful so they follow the person who leads them down this path. A few questions to ask yourself would be:

“Is this person I am following in the place I want to be in 1,2,5 years from now?”

“Does this person I am following help me get there?”

So one of the network marketing tips would be to tell anyone starting out that you can’t expect a miracle overnight. Success takes failure and time. To truly succeed at anything in life it takes a certain amount of dedication, persistence, learning and determination. When the going gets tough, look in the mirror and ask yourself if you are ready to step it up a notch and really work at the business and at yourself. That is what successful people do.

Problem 3

Your network of people you know if a vital part of network marketing. For the 3% of those who have built large and successful networks of people in their lives, network marketing is going to be an easy success as long as it is a good relationship. For the 97% of the other people it is going to take a little longer. A good network marketing tip is to always be building your network especially if you want success. There are some very easy ways to build that list of people nowadays with the internet and the different marketing strategies. Social media is the easiest way to connect with the masses of people and grow a relationship that I have personally seen and it is free to do. The secret is actually building a relationship with those people you connect with.

So overall, the network marketing company has nothing to do with your success or failure as a business person. That is all in the hands of the individual. What are you willing to do for yourself? Who are you following? How bad do you want it?? Without the constant betterment of one’s self and without a constant yearning to drive forward, then you will need to settle for mediocre in this industry.

Selecting an Auto Body Repair Shop

Due to the amount of time we spend on the road the chances of us needed to find a great auto body shop may come up more than once. Most of us get a little flustered at the thought of searching for the right place that can work in your price range. No one ever knows where to start though. Here are a few tips on choosing the perfect auto body shop for you.

The first step is finding an auto body shop that will fix your car to look like the collision never happened. Some good auto body shops will only have the ability to fix your car to a point called pre-loss condition. Pre-loss condition is when the mechanic fixes your cars appearance, body structure, and keeps your cars mechanical reliability.

Next comes customer service, our favorites. Everyone has horror stories about bad customer service in numerous places of business. However, if you are calling an auto body shop that means that lives were once in danger so they should immediately ask if anyone was injured. Their chance at making money should never overshadow your needs or concerns. Many body shops are only in the business because they know that everyone will need to have their car repaired at some point. Most of those businesses do not have a skilled and knowledgeable staff. That is why it is so vital to find the right body shop so you and your insurance company are getting what you have paid for.

When dealing with your insurance company, make sure that you fight for the right to pick your own repair shop. Most insurance companies and repair shops have a deal worked out to lower the shops cost in exchange for giving them business. The shop then cuts corners and leave out steps to keep the cost down. This in turn means you are paying the insurance company the inflated premiums and your deductible but are only receiving second rate repair. The insurance company may respond saying that they can not guarantee the work of other shops but in reality all good shops guarantee their work for as long as you own that car. If a shop says that they do not have that standard, it is a sign to keep looking.

Always ask the person who is estimating your damage questions. If you are working with a smaller shop the person you are speaking with will probably be the one working directly on your car. In larger chain shops they have sales people who do the estimates and have no direct connection or knowledge about your car. The techs working on your car may not want to rewrite you an estimate to make it the correct amount. Never be afraid to ask questions if you are confused. Larger shops may have fancy equipment and tools to make people believe that they are much more advanced then other shops but in reality, those fancy tools are rarely even used in fixing your car.

Always ask the body shop about their insurance programs or DRP (direct repair programs) because this may mean they can not create their own business and need the help of a deal. Not all shops that have these programs are bad shops but it can defiantly be a red flag.

The very best way to find a good body shop is by word of mouth, so ask around. Most people would never send you to a place where they were not satisfied with the work they were given.

Now when you are stuck in a bind after a collision you will have the right information and questions to ask before selection the body shop for you. The last and the most important thing to remember is, if you ever feel uncomfortable or pressured by a body shop, move on because they may be desperate for business because they are not known for their good service.